By David Rasure
It’s hugely rewarding to own and run your own business. Yes, it’s arduous
work, and yes, you might wonder if you’ve made the right choice at times,
but at the end, when that hard work pays off and you can look back at the
journey you’ve taken, every second will be worth it.
However, before you can get to that point, you’re going to need to grow your business, otherwise, you’ll have nothing to look back on and nothing to be
proud of. The growth of your business and how quickly it happens is down to
you, so starting as early as you can on your plan is the best thing to do.
Here are some things to consider when you’re thinking about how to grow your
small business.
Have A Good Team
No one can do everything that needs to be done to grow a business on their
own, which is why having a good team around you is a must. Of course, you
can run a business by yourself, and if this is what you want to do, then it
is what you must do. However, if you choose this path, you will have to
understand that there will be a limit to how big your business can grow.
There will be a point where you have reached capacity. With a good team
around you, you can keep growing ad infinitum.
When you have spent time, effort, and money putting that all-important team
together, you will need to take care of it, to ensure that your business is
getting the best out of them and is growing at the right rate. Incentives
are a great idea, and you can see what you might be able to offer here:
Save Money
It might sound strange to suggest that you need to spend less to grow your
business. After all, the adage of ‘spend money to make money’ is a
well-known one, and surely you’ll also need to spend money on your
marketing, your website, your products and services, and so on to ensure you
not only gain customers but keep them loyal too.
The truth is, yes, you will have to spend money on and in your business to
grow it, but that is only in some areas. In other areas, you should look at
saving as much money as possible. Your savings can go towards your marketing
and so on, and you won’t ever be out of pocket.
Areas to save money in include:
- Utility bills
- Taxes
- Products
- Banking
- Stationery
The more money you can save on these everyday items, the more you’ll have to
spend on significant business growth.
Word Of Mouth Advertising
If you don’t tell anyone about your business, it’s not going to grow. In
reality, it will probably fail. Yet as we’ve said, marketing and advertising
need money – often a lot of money – to work in the way you want it to. The
problem is, when you’re a startup or a small business, that kind of money
isn’t always available, even if you are saving as much as you can elsewhere.
This is why word of mouth advertising is so important. Its main advantage is
that it’s free, and as long as you have excellent customer service, good
prices, and excellent products, it should work well for you. To ensure that
people do tell others about you and how happy they are with the service they
get from you, you can create a reward scheme. This incentive should boost
your profits and give you more money to spend on other forms of advertising.